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Submit Your Outlines
First School Submission Gets Lifetime FREE Outlines
Why Submit Outlines?
Our goal at Gunner Outlines isn't to make money off struggling law students. That's why we charge $100 per semester (use that coupon code!) instead of $50 per outline like some other outline sources. Law school is hard enough. We want to make it easier.
We are working on Bar-Prep outlines, which will be free forever. We consider your ongoing support purchasing our outline packets to be payment enough to cover our Bar-Prep outlines. They will cover the UBE and the state-specific potions. Written with stellar students to help other students be just as successful.
Submitting your outlines helps us help future students. We believe in paying our contributors because you worked hard on your outlines. As we navigate the new tax rules regarding Venmo/Zelle/Cash App we will be providing Gunner Outlines gift cards for all submissions.
We offer three tiers of payment. For older outlines we pay $2. All outlines are valuable, but we all know the more recent the outline the more relevant. In an effort to provide as much content as possible to our users, we collect and distribute every unique outline sent to us. For newer outlines (less than two years old), we pay $5 per outline. And, for the holy grail, proven A outlines, we pay $50 per outline. You worked your ass off, get paid for it.
Gift Card Values
Old Outlines (more than 2 years old)
Last Year's Outlines (less than 2 years old)
Proven A Outlines (transcript required)
File Name Template
Help us turn around payments quicker by naming your submissions using this template
Class - Professor - Doc Type (Grade) - Year.filetype
Law School Outline Bank. Law School Outlines. Outlines for Law School. Buy Law School Outlines. Sell Law School Outlines. Buy Law School Outlines today. Sell Law School Outlines Today. Law School Outlines for Sale. Law School Outline Database. R/lawschooloutlines Outlines. Outline Database